Posted in Bible Art Journaling, coloring, scripture

What’s on Your Reading Table?

Books I’m currently reading.

My mom loved books! She loved to read, and she loved to write. She wrote a monthly column for her hometown newspaper for several years. Quite frequently, she would ask the question in her column, “What’s on your reading table?”, and then she would go on to share what she had on her own reading table.

In honor of my mom’s passion for reading, I wanted to share my lovely stack of books. At the top of my collection is “The Illustrated Words of Jesus for Women” by Carolyn Larsen. This was a birthday gift from a very good friend of mine this year, and even provides opportunities for coloring! My friend knows how much I enjoy using my colored pencils.

A daily devotional with things to color and room to journal! I love it!

“Women of the Word” by Jen Wilkin is the book my Wednesday morning women’s group is going through. It’s helping us to study the Bible with both our hearts and our minds. I’m enjoying learning about this approach to Bible study, and I especially love the women in my group. A lot of thought-provoking questions after each chapter guiding us through some inspiring discussion.

The “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget” book and companion journal by Lysa Terkeurst was a gift to myself. After a devastating and heartbreaking event that occurred with a family member nearly a year and a half ago, I’ve been seeking a way to find peace and make sense of what happened. This book and the journaling prompts have been very helpful.

And finally, after several years, one of my favorite authors has come out with a new book. “The Lady’s Mine” by Francine Rivers has been hard to put down. So, it probably won’t remain on my reading table very long.

On another reading table, I have 66 books of various genres. Of course, I’m referring to my Bible.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

A special Bible art journaling project for one of my groups I lead included coloring a printout of a Bible bookcase and talking about all the books in the Bible as we colored.

I have this helpful resource page, that I colored, pasted onto a back page in my Inspire Bible.

What’s on YOUR reading table?

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